How we talk about cats can influence public attitudes and behavior, so it is important to consider the words, images and stories we use - particularly when we are trying to change the way the public views and responds to our work.

Does the term “feral” hamper efforts to gain public support for community cat programs? How might your fundraising appeals accidentally create backlash against those same programs? In this fast-paced and thought-provoking webinar from Million Cat Challenge, we see how we often talk about cats may actually be bad for them and make our work harder.
Join this all-star panel:
- Maddie's® Director of Feline Lifesaving, Monica Frenden
- HSUS Senior Analyst, Cat Protection & Policy, Danielle Bay
- Co-Founder, Million Cat Challenge, Maddie's Shelter Medicine Program at University of Florida, Julie Levy
Watch the webinar
(Note: access requires Maddie's login.)
Then join the follow-up discussion on Maddie's Pet Forum: